Upload Options for CSV Survey Files

To ensure an accurate upload, it is recommended to convert CSV files to XLS and upload as a XLS file.

Survey Name

The survey name is used by the search bar to quickly locate a survey.

Survey Code

The survey code is a shorthand version or nickname of the survey.

Survey Weighting

If the survey is weighted, you can click the checkbox and enter the correct weight factor for the survey. The default value is 1.0. Note: if your file contains a survey weight column, this can be managed from the Crosstab Builder. See more details here.

Survey Headers

For survey files that contain a header, you can click the checkbox to manually set row locations. Use the arrows to select the row locations for Code, Title, Data set, and Dictionary entries. The default values are; Code in row one and Data set begins in Row 2.
  • Code in Row - Row number for variable codes.
  • Data set in Row - Row number where the data set begins.
  • Title in Row - Row number for the variable titles.
  • Generate Dictionary Entries - Row number for Dictionary Entries generation.

Dictionary File

If your survey contains a separate dictionary file, it can be uploaded simultaneously with the data set.

Survey Description Box

In the survey description box, notes and other relevant details can be added. The description box can be accessed from the manage surveys page after the survey has been successfully uploaded.

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