Add Respondents to a Survey

You can add new respondents to an existing survey using the Add Respondents to a Survey icon.

Using the Add Resondents to a Survey icon

Navigate to the survey you wish to add additional respondents too. Click the Add Repondents to a Survey icon to open the upload dialog box.

Add questions from .sav files

Select the .sav file containing the additional questions and click upload. 

Add questions from .csv .xlsx, and .xls files

It is recommended to convert .csv files to .xlsx before uploading.
  • Select the file containing the additional respondents.
  • If the survey is weighted, click the checkbox and enter the correct weight factor for the survey. 
  • If the survey file contain a header, you can click the checkbox to manually set row locations.
  • If your survey contains a separate dictionary file, select it to be uploaded simultaneously.

Email Notifications

An email notification is sent once uploading and processing is complete.

Activity Monitor

Additional respondents upload and processing can also be tracked from the activity monitor. Click the Activity button to open the Activity Monitor which will appear on the right hand side of the page. Uploads can also be canceled from here by clicking the delete icon next to the upload in progress.

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