Setting Filters

The filters dialog box located on the left hand side of the Crosstab Builder page allows you to use survey variables as filters in the Data Spreadsheet. Any variable in the questionnaire can be used as a filter. Variables can be added to the filter dialog box individually or as a folder. 

Since filters are usually applied once when creating a report, the filter box can be toggled open or closed. To open the filters dialog box, click the right arrow next the Filters. To close the Filters dialog box, click the close icon.

Selecting Filters

You can add a variable to the filter dialog box by locating the desired variable in the questionnaire using the search bar or scrolling through the variables. After you find the variable you wish to use as a filter, click and drag the individual variable or folder into the filter dialog box. You can add multiple variables and folders to the filter dialog box for ease of access.

Applying Filters

Once you have added the individual variables or folders to be used as filters to the filter dialog box, click the Calculate button in the upper right hand corner of the Crosstab Builder page to apply the filter(s) to the Data Spreadsheet.

Viewing the Filtered Data

If you have added multiple variables to the filter dialog box and they are active, a separate tab will be created at the bottom of the Data Spreadsheet for each variable.

Removing Filters

You can remove variables from the filter dialog box by selecting the variable, right clicking on the variable, and then clicking remove. You can also deactivate variables by unchecking the red box next to the variable. As always, after you have made changes in the filter dialog box click the Calculate button in the upper right hand corner of the Crosstab Builder page to apply the changes.

NOTE: Removing or deactivating a variable will delete the tab created for that filter on the Data Spreadsheet.

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