Editing the Report Options

The report options will allow you to change how certain data is displayed in the Data Spreadsheet, change the weight file location, and define fields to be used in report exports.

Customizing Data Items

By default Projection, Respondent, % Horiz, % Vert, and Index are displayed in the crosstab area of the Data Spreadsheet. You may rename, reorder, and/or exclude any of the defaults under the Data Item option. Total Column and Total Row can also be renamed.
  • To Rename a field - Click the text box and type the new name.
  • To Reorder the fields - Click the drop down arrows next to the field names and select the correct numerical order for each field.
  • To Exclude a field - Uncheck the box next to the field name.

Designating a Weight File

By default Surviewer searches for a weight variable column named 'Survey_Weight'. If your survey uses a different variable name for weight you can designate the correct variable under the Weight File option. You can simply click the drop down arrow and scroll through the questionnaire variables to find and select the correct weight file variable column.

Customizing Report Fields

Certain fields can be customized and included in your exported reports. Title, Footer Note, Data Source, Number of Decimals, and Date/Time can all be set up or toggled on under the Report Settings tab. To include a report item, simply check the box next to the field. Click and type in the text boxes to create Title, Footer Note, or Data Source. Click and enter a number in the text box next to the Number of Decimals field to set the decimal output in your reports.

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